Elink Innovation, LLC.

Elink Innovation is the parent company to many different services and commerce sites. Listed below are some of the available services from Elink Innovation.

Who we are:

We are a technology company founded by actual real world solutions architects. Its about outcomes and not about selling anything. We can help you with consulting and picking the ideal solutions for your exact needs. Our backgrounds are all about high tech hardware and software solutions and the practical application of these solutions. Contact us today so we can help you get the required solutions to drive a quality business outcome.

We provide premium hosting!

Elinkworld has been around since 1995 and is an exceptional web hosting company. We have many years of industry experience in everything INTERNET. This includes on premise and cloud hosting solutions. Elinkworld is a company that provides everything you need to host your business. Services like email, ftp, database support for all the major solutions and the major web technologies used. We also provide direct support a would love to help you with you next website venture.


Commerce and IT Management:

We provide commerce solutions, website management, domain management, data management services, enterprise IT consulting and related services. Small to mid size business can take advantage of our 30 years of IT consulting in all aspects of data processing. This includes ERP, HR, Benefits, MRP, Data Warehouse, Big Data solutions including AI integrations such as chat bots, NLM search solutions and LLM selection for your AI experience.

Domain Services and Management:

We own, manage and operate many INTERNET domain names. Some of these names are for sale and some run services and commerce associated with Elink Innovation. These names include sites like the following to name a few:


The Gambit of IT and Tech:

We have over 30 years of real world experience in everything IT and Tech. ERP solutions, MRP solutions, Big Data solutions, systems and application monitoring solutions based on needs, e-commerce solutions, websites & web communities, search solutions and so on. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly.

Elink Innovation

3870 La Sierra Avenue
Suite 1147
Riverside, California 92505
(949) 875-0951

Best contact: webmaster@elinkworld.com